Random Acts of Kindness at NIU

One thing that has really amazed me about NIU is the atmosphere of caring that students, faculty, and staff seem to have. I cannot even begin to count the many times that students hold the door for one another. While this act seems to be trivial in magnitude, I believe that the act itself illustrates a culture of helping that is very characteristic of NIU.

NIU is not a large school, but it is not a small school. I have oftentimes described NIU as, “being big enough to offer many unique opportunites, but the ‘small town’ feel.” This quality is particularly attractive to me because I feel that it reflects the investment and genuine interest that the NIU community has in the success of NIU students. Furthermore, I believe that the helping atmosphere at NIU has prompted myself and other students to help others in any way that we can. I have run across many people who were lost on campus or looking for far-flung buildings and helped them because I know that it is what NIU is; NIU is a place where people help each other.

When prospective students come to NIU’s campus, they are shown the best of what NIU has to offer; most prominently, it is the collective spirit of helping others that sets NIU apart from other institutions.

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